April Snow Sensitive The

April Snow, LMFT

As an Introvert and Highly Sensitive Person, I understand the struggles of balancing self-care while supporting others. I want to help you reduce overwhelm and honor your Strengths as a Sensitive Therapist so you can feel fulfilled in your work again.   

It's Important to Choose Self-Care over Perfectionism

It's Important to Choose Self-Care over Perfectionism

Managing personal and professional responsibilities is challenging, especially as Sensitive Therapists.  We process information deeply and burn up energy more quickly in the process.  This leaves us feeling more exhausted in less time. 

At some point, I would imagine you have felt the urge to see less clients, work fewer days per week and have more downtime.  However, as folks who tend to be perfectionists and caregivers, we are more likely to overextend ourselves to get everything done and make sure everyone else is taken care of.  But what does that leave for us?  Where do we get the energy to take care of ourselves?  

Instead of burning yourself out each day in pursuit of perfectionism, try saving some fuel in your tank to use for your self-care routine and personal responsibilities.  Focus on the essential tasks of the day (not your entire to-do list), identify what you can delegate and see what you can let go of completely.  Remember that just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should (or can do it sustainably).    

This practice will allow you to reduce "recovery" time from those days where you pushed too hard and feel weary the next morning.  Plus, you'll create more balanced energy levels over the long-term allowing you to get more done.  

The Problem of Social Media Use for Sensitive Therapists

The Problem of Social Media Use for Sensitive Therapists

How I Transformed My Aversion to Writing Notes

How I Transformed My Aversion to Writing Notes